Pink/nude-ish lips using M.A.C, Catrice and flormar

I am a huge fan of the ”natural make up look”! And that look doesn’t go with a pop of colour on the lips, so that’s why I am in love with the following products.


M.A.C: satin Catrice: best seller, truth teller Flormar: no. 201

I lined my lips with the Flormar liner first, then went over my lips with the M.A.C lipstick.
To give it some shine I added the Catrice lipgloss. I loved the lipstick because it’s a soft matte colour, however I do need to prep my lips before using the lipstick by putting on vaseline or some sort of lip care product. If I don’t do that, my lips tend to get really dry and flakey when I use the M.A.C lipstick. The Catrice lipgloss is my go to lipgloss right now, if I don’t feel like getting crazy with my lips I’ll just use this lipgloss.


The result 🙂

If you want me to try out a lipstick or any kind of make-up, let me know by commenting below!

How to achieve soft and silky hair â™¥

As a girl who likes to experiment with her hair it’s essential to take good care of my hair so it stays healthy and soft.
I try out all sorts of hair masks and conditioners but there are two products that I will always come back to: argan oil or coconut oil. I use them alternately because I really like both of them. It makes my hair look so shiny!

So, how do I use these oils?

Boil some water and put in your bottle with oil (argan or coconut, it’s whatever you prefer) in a bowl with the hot boiled water.
Leave it in until it is warm, but not too warm! You don’t want to burn your scalp.

Take the oil and gently massage it into your roots, then continue to work the oil through the rest of your hair. If your done, give the oil some time to really withdraw into your hair.

Your hair probably feels super soft at this point! I usually blow dry my hair right after doing this.

This my blow dried hair after using argan oil

If you want to try this out, make sure that you use pure coconut oil or argan oil! So don’t use styling products from the drugstore that contain coconut or argan oil. You can get coconut oil at a lot of Surinamese/Indian toko’s, at least that’s where I get mine!

I hope you guys liked this post!

Fight acne/easy DIY mask

Who doesn’t hate blemishes and redness on their face?
There is nothing worse than going through life with pimples and blemishes, but I have a very good solution which works perfectly for me and hopefully also for you guys!

The solution is honey! Good ol’ honey.

Make sure that you’re not using honey from the store that is stuffed with sugar. I use raw honey that my uncle brings from Morocco, so I can’t really tell you where you should get yours.. But just make sure that your using honey without extra ingredients.

So, what you want to do first is scrub your face (I do it with the Ocean salt scrub from Lush, but you can use any scrub that works for you). Make sure that you do this really gentle, because when you scrub too hard you’re actually damaging your skin. Wash your face, take your towel and dab your face until dried. You may feel a little tightness. This is where the honey comes in! Take your honey and put it on your face, focusing on the spots and blemishes.

Now, a lot of you guys are probably thinking.. Honey ugh, sticky mess. But it’s not that bad! You can use cotton pads or tissues to avoid the honey from dripping. Just press them onto your face et voila! You’re done.

How long do you leave this on?
That depends, I usually sleep with it to really let it withdraw in my skin. If you decide to sleep with the honey mask, put a towel over your pillow so you don’t mess up your pillow!
If you don’t want to sleep with the mask on, let it sit for a good hour and rinse it off with lukewarm water.

Your skin should feel really soft. Apply a moisturizer or face oil by putting some product in the palm of your hand and then gently pressing it onto your skin. And you’re done!

You’re not going to see the results right away, but you’re definitely going to feel that your skin is getting softer and less bumpy. It depends on your skin/type of acne how fast you’re going to see the results, but I would say a couple of weeks!

I hope you guys will give it a try!

Get fit with me! My work out outfit + workouts

While most people hate hitting the gym, I actually enjoy it!
I think a good workout session at the gym is quite relieving after a long, stressful day at work or school. It is a good way to empty my head from all the drama and problems.But of course opinions differ. But if YOU want to get and stay motivated to work out several times a week read along girl!

First of all: Your mindset is the most important! That’s where it all starts. If you are trying to lose weight and you constantly make up excuses to not workout, you’re not ready to start losing weight because you’re not really committed. You have to remember that losing weight doesn’t happen overnight and that it takes a lot of patience, hard work and commitment. You are going to have to motivate yourself!

Try to motivate yourself by looking up inspirational quotes and pictures on Instagram, Facebook, Weheartit etc. Get yourself nice fitness clothes, that way you make yourself excited to work out! Also set small goals for yourself. If you have never worked out before, don’t start by for example squatting 50kg.. You have a lot of apps (flexter) and sites where you can print out beginner fitness schedules.

If you really want to lose weight.. You’re going to have to say goodbye to the sweets and crisps. But don’t go overboard. And by going overboard I mean never eating something sweet anymore. Because by doing that, it is going to be extra hard to maintain not eating sweets. Instead, set up a cheat day. A cheat day means that you can eat a little unhealthy, so don’t eat sugar and carbs all day. Small amounts!

Don’t compare yourself to others! We all have different types of bodies. If your friend can lose 5kg in a week, don’t be sad if you don’t achieve the same loss. Your body doesn’t work like your friend’s body. And especially don’t compare yourself to celebrities, even though it’s really tempting (even for me). The bodies that you see in magazines, instagram etc. are all touched up. Celebrities have admitted it themselves. And also keep in mind that if you have a certain type of body shape (apple, rectangular etc.) you can’t just magically transform into another shape.

This part of the post is about my workouts, so if you’re interested keep on reading!

Shoes: Nike white Thea, Shirt: Adidas, Leggings: H&M

So, this is one of my workout outfits. Pretty basic, but very comfortable. I love my Nike shoes, because they give really good support to my feet and make running 5k so much easier!

I usually start with 15/20 minutes of cardio, which means cycling, running (treadmill) or stair walking.
After I finish with cardio I follow a schedule that I got from a friend. It changes every week, so you focus on different parts of the body. Right now these are my workouts, they are separated into 2 circuits.

Circuit 1:

15 jumping squats
15 squats
24 walking lunges (12 per leg)
24 knee-ups (12 per leg)

Circuit 2:

16 X jumps (8 per leg)
10 burpees
24 weighted step ups (12 per leg)
15 medicine ball squat & press

I do each circuit 2 times, so I do four circuits in total. It is really exhausting, but I usually tend to play around some more with the devices in the gym (legpress, shoulderpress etc.). But the schedules are effective enough on their own so I don’t always add extra workouts.

If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment!

My first post!

Hi my lovely Dolls!

This is my first blog ever, so bear with me!
I love make-up, fashion and everything that has to do with those subjects.
My sister is a makeup-artist, so I do know quite some tips and tricks that I would like to share with you.
I will be doing reviews, makeup looks and I might occasionally post some ‘OOTD’-posts, but you should feel free to leave a comment with a request about something you would like me to write about!


Some of my new/favorite products and tools.

By the way, my native language is actually not English so excuse me if you see any (grammar and/or spelling) mistakes.
I thought blogging in English would be a nice opportunity to improve my English.

I hope you will keep visiting my blog!

